After the successful French R Meetings of Bordeaux, Lyon and Montpellier, our fourth meeting will take place in Grenoble on 24-26 June 2015. Its aim is to provide a national forum to exchange and share ideas on the use of R in different subjects such as visualisation, applied statistics, biostatistics and bioinformatics, Bayesian statistics, data analysis, modelling, machine learning, high performance computing, etc.
A series of tutorials on specific or advanced R topics will be proposed to the conference attendees in the afternoon of Wednesday, June 24.
This year there will be a round table with industrialists following the tutorials session of June 24. Its purpose is to discuss the place of R in industry but also the importance of R training.
The programme will consist of plenary sessions, oral presentations, lightning talks and posters (see Submission page for more details) focusing on:
new developments in statistics and their implementation in R
new extensions
original applications and case studies using R in different domains and fields (-omics, bioinformatics, environment, psychometrics, social science, chemometrics, etc.)
Computational aspects of R (parallel processing, visualization, interfacing with other software, graphical user interface,etc.)
teaching with R.
The meeting is aimed at all kinds of R users: researchers, teachers, students, commercial users, etc. It is open to statisticians, computer scientists and people from all application domains whether they be new or experienced users.
The official language is French but talks can be given in English.